Author: dave
Thank you for voting -Altar
Unfortunately we missed by only 10 votes of it going to the top 3. My grateful thanks to all of you that hung in with us for all these weeks. I have implemented an alternative plan so stay tuned for more information on the publishing of Altar!
The Sacred Cipher Kregel Publications (July 31, 2009) by Terry Brennan Terry is also a great friend, read the book! It’s great!!!! ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Over the past 35 years, Terry Brennan has accumulated a broad range of experience in both the profit and non-profit business sectors. His 22-year, award…
Timescape Thomas Nelson (July 14, 2009) by Robert Liparulo Robert is a friend of mine with some great stuff out there and has helped me a great deal with my writing, it will be a must read !!!! ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Robert Liparulo is a former journalist, with over a…
Deadlock Thomas Nelson (April 2009) by Robert Liparulo ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Robert Liparulo is a former journalist, with over a thousand articles and multiple writing awards to his name. Readers of his action-thrillers were not surprised when his visual storytelling style caught the eye of Hollywood producers. Currently, three of…
Carolyn’s Reviews
I have been amiss in getting to all of the reviews that my buddies have been putting in, so I am putting them together in one post… Enjoy, and sorry ladies. Keep on reading. Try Darkness I don’t usually like serial books, but I make an exception for this…
Gatekeepers (Dreamhouse Kings #3) Thomas Nelson (January 6, 2009) by Robert Liparulo ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Robert is an award-winning author of over a thousand published articles and short stories. He is currently a contributing editor for New Man magazine. His work has appeared in Reader’s Digest, Travel & Leisure, Modern…
Try Darkness
Jim is a great friend of mine and I’m so pleased to be featuring another of his masterful works! Tredessa’s review will be ready shortly also, she grabbed it before I could… Try Darkness (Center Street – July 30, 2008) by James Scott Bell ABOUT THE AUTHOR: JAMES SCOTT BELL…
Dessa’s Review of Calico Canyon
Visit my daughter Tredessa’s Book Review Page… Set in 1867, Grace Calhoun is an abused runaway orphan trying to escape her adoptive father by becoming a school marm. She finds herself in a small Texas town in which everyone and their grandma seemed to have twins or…
Visit Carolyn’s Corner
Carolyn is a great friend of mine that is an avid reader and so I asked her to weigh in on some book reviews… This is the first entry and she has her own page on this blog. Dave, Just finished Reluctant Smuggler. Definitely a page…